What No One Told This Woman About Her First Year In Business

Rachel McCrary (in black) IMAGE: Jewel Toned Inc. A lingerie expert and funded startup founder shares insight to what she learned in her first year of business. People say that everything you need to know you learn in Kindergarten. Well, in the world of business, think of the pitch process as Preschool, and that first … Read more

How Do I Ask for Stock Options/Shares in the Startup Company I Work In?

“Mr. Kim, I truly appreciate the opportunity to work with your company.  After being here for a year and a half, I have come to really believe in the product and the vision that you have set aside for us.  I am even more thankful that I am able to be part of this exact … Read more

Does Life Suck for Everyone or Is It Just for Me?

Yes, life sucks for everyone. I’m a useless person: Leonard Kim’s answer to Is there such a thing as a useless person? I wrote this when I wanted to die:  Leonard Kim’s answer to What are some examples of heart-breaking suicide notes? This is what caused me to get to that point: How I thoroughly … Read more

What Should I Do with a Boyfriend That Calls Me Degrading Names in Public in Order to Educate Me?

Someone on Quora asked: We are in a long term relationship and he says he loves me. But when we have or had before some misunderstanding, he would come to it by calling me names, like selfish, bitch, hater, etc. in loud on public. He does that as he says to educate me, to change … Read more

Is It Too Late To Achieve Something Worthwhile?

 — This is a guest post written by Andy Ooi —  Many in their late twenties or thirties wonder: “Is it too late to achieve something worthwhile?” The answer is obvious: Yes, it is too late. By the time they were born, it was already too late. They did nothing during the nine months in their mother’s … Read more