What Is the Best Way to Republish Your Quora Answer on Another Publishing Platform?

This is what I did. 1. I compiled a list of 300 of my best answers out of the thousands I have written (actually it’s like 200, but it’s supposed to be 300 and I’m still adding to it). (You may be able to skip steps 2-7 if you have the time to do this … Read more

Your Game Plan to Becoming a Better Version of Yourself

Once you stop growing, that is when you start dying. Each day, you either become an improved version of yourself, or you take steps backwards and regress to a prior state. We don’t really see these changes throughout each day we live. Instead, we notice subtleties within weeks, change within months and results within years. … Read more

#Speakfreely With Rebel Calling Card [Twitter Chat + Giveaway]

We’ve all experienced a time when a dropped call is less than favorable. Whether it’s with a client, your parents, someone you’re trying to break up with (awkwarrrrd) or anyone for that matter, a dropped call is never a helpful thing. And buffering symbols on Skype, WhatsApp and Viber… don’t even get me started! If … Read more

Should You Tell a Recruiter That You Would Work for Less Than the Offered Salary?

Salaries and treatment from employers tend to match up accordingly. If you undervalue yourself from the beginning, then your employer will undervalue you for the rest of your tenure at their company. Ask anyone who has a wide range of clients. The ones who pay the least are always disappointed and expect the most and … Read more