How Do I Ask for Stock Options/Shares in the Startup Company I Work In?

“Mr. Kim, I truly appreciate the opportunity to work with your company.  After being here for a year and a half, I have come to really believe in the product and the vision that you have set aside for us.  I am even more thankful that I am able to be part of this exact … Read more

What Is It like to Become a Company VP for the First Time?

At a bank? I’d assume that your job would be exactly the same as it once was, just with a pay raise. At a startup? The title feels great, until I came to realize that I was buried in responsibilities, maybe two notches shy of what a CEO does. There are regular VP responsibilities one … Read more

Is $50k a Reasonable Price to Ask for Writing a Business Plan for a Tech Startup?

Why would anyone in the world pay $50,000 to have you write a business plan, when they can get an outline on how to make one on their own here for free: Leonard Kim’s answer to How does one create a business plan? Also, there are many professionals out there who write killer business plans … Read more

I Dropped out of College to Work at a Startup That Failed. What Should I Do Now?

Someone on Quora asked for advice: I am feeling confused about my life’s direction. I’m 23. I dropped out 2 years ago to work on a startup and my startup was cash positive during the second year. The startup failed due to ego conflicts between founders. I was the principal founder. But due to my … Read more

Do Many Startup Founders Go to Therapy?

I personally didn’t when I went through hell and back.  However, reflecting back in hindsight, I’m pretty certain that I should have.  It would have probably helped me ease a lot of the anger, frustration, and the disastrous thoughts of what to do when I lost something like a client who was paying us $20,000 … Read more

Should I Launch My Local Social Startup City by City, Country Wise, or Globally?

Think local. Expand global. It’s probably better to concentrate on specific markets locally first before branching out into a national platform. — Originally posted on Quora. Leonard Kim consults startups and writes books like The Etiquette of Social Media: How to Connect and Respond to Others in the World of Social Media  

Working at a Startup Versus a Large Company

What’s the main difference? Variety and commitment. At a major corporation, you’re assigned to do one or two things. It can become tedious and boring. Also, you’re working with thousands of people, so there are a lot of channels to go through to implement something or make a change, and sometimes two departments aren’t even … Read more