How I Met Bill Clinton

I met William J. Clinton once.  It was quite an honor, actually.  Back in 2004, he decided to do a book signing at Eso Won Books in Los Angeles. I was working at Macy’s at the time, you know…  Selling women’s shoes and stuff.  Being 19 and selling women’s shoes wasn’t really a bad gig.  … Read more

Startups 101: How to Create a Business Plan

The first thing you need to do is create an executive summary and a mission statement. After that, you need to study your market, compare yourself to your competition, create a share structure, outline financials, and fill out the rest of the pertinent data like the other people suggest. Below is an example of the … Read more

Fakes and Flakes and Why They’re Grrreat! Making Deals in the Frosty Heart of LA

Once upon a time in the past, I had put up a job ad on Craigslist to hire a personal assistant. It was the heart of the recession and as each minute passed by, I had a new applicant. It was like clockwork. 1 minute. 1 new application. It went on that way for 400 … Read more