How I Would Evaluate a Potential Technical Co-Founder

Someone on Quora asked: How should I evaluate a potential technical co-founder? I’m in the surprising and apparently unusual position of interviewing technical co-founders for my startup. I am a non technical founder. I have several highly qualified people who have expressed interest and who appear, via job background and my experience with them, to … Read more

Strategies to Compete with a Mature Business

On Quora I was asked: What are some strategies to compete with a mature but inferior product with a strong customer base? Hypothetical situation: You have a neighborhood with a local coffee shop. The coffee shop has been there for years and has happy customers and makes good revenue. They have tuned their business well for … Read more

Startups 101: How to Create a Business Plan

The first thing you need to do is create an executive summary and a mission statement. After that, you need to study your market, compare yourself to your competition, create a share structure, outline financials, and fill out the rest of the pertinent data like the other people suggest. Below is an example of the … Read more