How I Remain Motivated Long Enough to Accomplish Something

Someone on Quora asked me:

How can I remain motivated long enough to accomplish something? I saw a motivational video, read a galvanizing article, and became inspired to change the world! But a little thought into logistics and bam! Changing the world went out the window…

In general, my motivation levels look like this:

How Can I Remain Motivated Long Enough to Accomplish Something

How can I maintain a high level of motivation?

I answered:

You don’t stay motivated.

You were motivated to start. Yet, as with anything that comes your way, there will be roadblocks. Motivation doesn’t get you over all the trials and tribulations that come your way. Commitment does.

Commitment is derived from the five why’s. This is a concept used in engineering to figure out the underlying issue to a problem. However, it works for personal development as well.

Why did you want to start this project?

Answer. Take your answer. Use your answer to formulate your next question.

Why did you want to change the world?

Repeat the process five times.

After you do this five times, you will come to find your why. This is why you wanted to do your project in the first place. This is what defines you and your inner goals. This is what will keep you moving forward, even when tomorrow seems hopeless.

Originally posted on Quora.

Leonard Kim is Managing Partner at InfluenceTree. At InfluenceTree, Leonard and his team teach you how to build your (personal or business) brand, get featured in publications and growth hack your social media following.

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