The Most Valuable Lesson We Should Teach Our Youth

Humility Humility is one of the key components to living a successful life. Whether or not you believe you’re going to change the world, be a billionaire, or even discover a cure for some incurable disease, no one is going to like you if you don’t have humility. They say the top is a very lonely … Read more

Who is Lisa Groeneweg?

Lisa Groeneweg.  A visionary with a heart of gold.  A person who wants to change the lives of each and every individual she can. She reminds me of what John Maxwell once said.  “Leaders touch a heart before they ask for a hand.” She will be changing the way Quora is, forever.  First stop, the … Read more

The Simple 5 Step Process To Serving Humanity

I’ve created a guide that outlines a five step process on how to serve humanity. Step 1. Build a foundation. Chisel yourself into the person you want to be, piece by piece. Read autobiographies of famous philanthropists. Read self-help books. Absorb all the knowledge you can. Personally, I would recommend Jim Rohn’s audio series, Cultivating … Read more